Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Journal work

Some tips for class Emmerald on how to complete their Religion Journal on a survey about young people and difficulty in praying.

Best viewed in Full Screen.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ecumenism in action - Corrymeela

Corrymeela, in Northern Ireland, is an example of one organisation working in the area of Ecumenism. It promotes unity among Christian churches or denominations, and among religions through greater cooperation and improved understanding.

Here is an example of Corrymeela at work.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gender balance in surveys


Class Emerald included the boys from the Salesians school in their survey.

Why did we try to have gender balance in our survey?
So that one group is not under-represented or that the survey is not largely dominated by one gender or the other.
Women make up over half the world's population.
Millennium Development Goal No 3 is all about gender balance.

Gender equality is about enabling male and female respondents to contribute to and benefit from participation - when we shared our results this meant that the boys from the Salesians would also learn why young people find it difficult to pray.